Own Your Health Data

As the future of our healthcare system moves towards electronic healthcare records, we need patient data ownership rights to protect patient care.

4 Principles

1. Patients co-own or fully own every health data point about themselves.

2. Health data generated about the patient by a provider is co-owned by both parties.

3. Health data generated by the patient is fully owned by the patient with a right to possess, share, sell, or destroy.

4. All uses of a patients' health data shall be consented in advance by the patient, other than uses required by law.

We'd Like Your Feedback

We've mapped out the needs for owning your health data and have illustrated them to be digestible for policy makers and the general public. If you have any feedback, please share with hello@goinvo.com.

About GoInvo

GoInvo is a healthcare design company that crafts innovative digital and physical solutions. Our deep expertise in Health IT, Genomics, and Open Source health has delivered results for the National Institutes of Health, Walgreens, Mount Sinai, and Partners Healthcare.

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Annie Lakey Becker, GoInvo

Annie is a Mom, Product and Project Manager based in Seattle. Passionate about Public Health and systems, her background includes roles as an academic research scientist and patient-focused neurodiagnostic technologist. She has a BS in Public Health from the University of Washington and is completing a Masters in Public Health at UNC Chapel Hill.

Kim Nipp, GoInvo

Kim is a designer, illustrator, and animator specializing in scientific visualization. Originally trained in behavioural neuroscience at the University of British Columbia, Kim moved on to complete their Masters of Science in Biomedical Communications, an interdisciplinary graduate program for visual media design in science and medicine offered through the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto.

Megan Hirsch, GoInvo

Megan is a designer-strategist that makes healthcare experiences enjoyable for patients and clinicians. She's dialing in her design and biology-trained eye to amplify her medical school experience in 2022. She joined Invo in 2021 with a BS in Human Biology from Stanford University.

Juhan Sonin, GoInvo

Juhan Sonin leads GoInvo with expertise in healthcare design and system engineering. He’s spent time at Apple, the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), and MITRE. His work has been recognized by the New York Times, BBC, and National Public Radio (NPR) and published in The Journal of Participatory Medicine and The Lancet. He currently lectures on design and engineering at MIT.


Eric Benoit
Kathy Mikk
Harry Sleeper
Colleen Tang Poy


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