for InfoBionic
InfoBionic created a patient worn device that reported arrhythmias in real-time for doctors and nurses to review. To convince doctors and investors, InfoBionic needed a way to show the product in action.
GoInvo crafted an iPad application to help providers and investors envision InfoBionic’s value.
GoInvo delivered the vision for how doctors would use the product, and investors noticed. The design led to a patent on processing and displaying electrocardiograph data and received FDA approval and CE Mark for cardiac arrhythmia monitoring. InfoBionic closed $17M Series B financing.
Time: 1 designer for 3 months
Tags: Care Management
We worked closely with cardiac arrhythmia experts, including Mass General Hospital. Receiving continual feedback helped us pivot quickly and land on a solution that providers would gravitate towards.
Viewing all patients
Doctors and nurses can monitor a patient’s arrhythmias in real-time, remotely. Use of color in the real-time charts could effectively and quickly highlight problem areas. In seconds, a provider could see the status and health of all their patients and easily identify who needs their attention.
Viewing an individual patient
The patient timeline along the top shows detected cardiac events, heart-rate, and physical activity across time to aid doctors in quickly understanding the patient's health. Machine- and patient-detected arrhythmias paired with important metadata such as physical activity and time of day to help providers diagnose an issue.
It's a big hit!
Nancy Briefs
CEO, InfoBionic
Because of how much providers loved the design, InfoBionic was able to gather the funding needed to apply for a patent on processing and displaying electrocardiograph data and received FDA approval and CE Mark for cardiac arrhythmia monitoring. InfoBionic closed $17M Series B financing.
We absolutely love everything GoInvo has created for us, it has by far exceeded our expectations.
Serban Georgescu MD
Director of Business and Clinical Development, InfoBionic